
その内容は「2015年、テレビは「ニコ動」化する?――NRIが示す未来像」というタイトルで、ITmedia Newsに取り上げられていた。

那个内容「2015年,电视「niko动」化为?以——NRI表示未来像」的标题,被ITmedia News拿起。
- Reorganization of media industry and establishment of creative industry
The content of agreement was announced in the outline by Nomura Research Institute of Technology and Economics (NRI) because it had described "Day when animation became NHK with a smile" in this blog.
The content「In the future that ???NRI made "Nico movement" indicates, the television is image in 2015. 」It was taken up in ITmedia News in the title.
Content by which generation who was born after 1990 that grows up with cellular phone and the Internet exist naturally since born time is called "Digital native", and existing media industry will be reorganized into subject in the future and being likely to establish it as creative industry means this generation's media of television away parting.
Because this says image the outline of the image of the future drawn in my head by the Flash movie's for the explanation being prepared, I want you to see by all means.
It is here the world in which I want to be involved in the future can be called how it runs through a problem though doesn't know what you can do here.
However, the directionality that I think about is supported, and the frustration that it will be not absent-minded more and more has raised the announcement of NRI of the whole country of this crowding.