
 私のメインマシン(Celeron 2.8GHz、1GBRAM、GeForce4 MX4000グラフィックボード)でも、通常サイズでの再生は問題が無いが、最大化すると表示面積が拡大する分、解像度が相対的に落ちてしまい(それでも一般的なコンテンツであれば充分な画質)、あわせてコメントを非表示にしないとCPUパワーが消費されてコマ落ちする場合がでてくる。より高性能なPCであれば、コマ落ちはなくなるだろうし、ひょっとすると解像度もよりよく表現されるかもしれない。
 そういえば、閉鎖されたStage6自身が、その受け皿として選んだ高品質動画サイトには、ChannelsというページTV Showsというページが用意され企業による動画配信も行っている。





 也没有问题我的主要机器(Celeron 2.8GHz,1GBRAM,GeForce4 MX4000图解板),在通常尺寸的再生,不过,最大化做和表示面积扩大的份儿,分辩率相对地落下了(如果是那个也一般的内容充分的画质量),出来如果共计把评语做为非表示不CPU力被消费石狮子落做。如果是更性能好的PC,石狮子遗漏丢失,说不定说不定分辩率也容易基于被表现。
 那么说来,被封闭了的Stage6自己,由于Channels这个页和TV Shows这个页被准备的企业的动画送信也去着作为那个茶托选了的高质量动画网站。

 Stage6 也是笑嘻嘻地动画被用户也指示的动画投稿网站,不过,一方,从要着以高品位动画为首卖也尽管网站被封闭,附有了一方,与高品位动画对应越发与用户获得商业时机这样的差的,应该怎么理解?

 Stage6 对资金难陷入了的时候,不能发现新的广告主。所说的高画质动画送信的技术的优势性以外没存在。倒不如,可以说所说的享受高画质的违法内容的网站的印象,成为了躲开一边负担众多的用户,一边新的广告主的结果说不定。


- For high-resolution standard of animation closing of Stage6 and with a smile
Stage6 that was able to be called the pronoun of animation common site in the high quality stopped serving on February 28.
The animation of no analog terrestrial broadcasting was able to be contributed readily, to have done attention, and have kept to expand the number of contributions and the user. investment..maintenance..respect..close..maximum..factor..say.
About one side, animation was done the evolution renewal, and began new service from RC2 with a smile today with SP1. After all, the maximum sales can be called a point corresponding to the animation format of the high quality such as H.264 (Use has been limited by the premium member while testing preceding).
Did the management of the smile obtain information on the Stage6 close beforehand?It can ..strange timing to exceed.. be said the renewal so that it is possible to think.
It came to be able to enjoy a high-quality image and the voice though the test animation of a high-quality format had already been contributed by the user. To enjoy the high-resolution because the resource demanded from PC on the attention side on the other hand increases, and the screen is maximized, a processing performance near the latest model is needed.
The reproduction by the size is my main machine (Celeron 2.8GHz, 1GBRAM, and GeForce4 MX4000 graphic board), and when the problem falls relatively to the extent that the display area expands when maximizing it (Still, if it is general contents, it is enough image qualities) the resolution, is consumed CPU power if the comment is not additionally made non-display, and falls the scene a no bur, usually. If it is more efficient PC, the drop frame will be lost, and ..having.. resolution when making it to might be expressed better.
Anyway, when it likes animation of the quality of an analog average terrestrial broadcasting, only it likes, and the age as which favorite contents are chosen is being achieved.
Animation to put off the adoption sticking to the image quality and tone quality if it is this image quality is sure to appear as official animation, too.
Incidently, closed Stage6 is prepared the page named Channels and the page named TV Shows and does the animation delivery by the enterprise to the high-quality animation site chosen as the saucer.

Should on the other hand be closed the site though it made from including high-quality animation to sales, and, on the other hand, how I understand the difference of acquiring the business opportunity more and more with the user corresponding to high-quality animation has attached though I was an animation contribution site where animation was being directed by the user as for Stage6 with a smile?
It is a point whether the community was able to be involved in the site though becomes continuation of the topic of the day before yesterday yesterday as one of the answers of my own way.
It seems with a smile not to have been used actively too much as the community in animation was written in yesterday's blog it though the viewer was able to write about Youtube comment and evaluation in Stage6.
Perhaps, the one at which the Stage6 user was looking most seems animation in Japan with the problem copyrighting it and an illegal content of movie it.

It was able to be seen in the image quality of the analog ground average wave in Stage6 though Youtube and the illegal content might be contributed to animation with a smile while the quality was bad.
In a word, I think the point that there is not paying money, and excellent contents are seen to have been accepted most.
When falling into the capital difficulty, Stage6 was not able to find a new sponsor. Only technical domination of high-resolution animation delivery existed. away..result..good.

On the other hand, the high-quality animation that Stage6 nominated for the saucer site is worth a certain meaning attention.
The viewer introduces favorite animation and space that sends worth and information is prepared, and it tries to form the community in shape different from animation with a smile and the trend in the future is anxious the introduction of the contributor of its animation there is a page named the point and Peoole by which a corporate user is lucky as previously introduced it and the offer of a customizable and blog functions to the user, and.

Let's become the focus of the interest in the future whether Youtube is corresponding to the high-resolution. The reason for Yotube that employs enormous contents and the user already on the world scale is that it is considerable ..being sure to be compelled capital investment.. when becoming it. solve ..corresponding to making to the high-resolution..
However, it will be able to be said that making the animation contents on the inside and the web the TV parting and the DVD parting advancing a high-resolution is a request in the age.
The flow that seeing the animation contents with the web by making animation high-quality as the download sales of music transcended the number of CD sales becomes natural will be accelerated more.